



Capítulo IX
Amante severamente castigado

Como el marqués tenía proyectado unir a su hija con su sobrino, quiso saber lo que pasaba en sus corazones y se dio a estudiarlos separadamente. Vio, por una parte, los efectos de un amor vivísimo y, por otra, indiferencia, frialdad y aun disgusto. Observó que su hija rehusaba la conversación con Glanville y que mostraba mal humor cuando la dirigía la palabra, pero que la escuchaba con gusto cuando hablaba de cosas generales. La verdad era que Arabela hallaba en él mucho talento, pero no podía perdonarle el no conocer aquel respeto, aquella sumisión ciega, aquel lenguaje metódico y, en fin, aquel modo novelesco de expresarse, sin lo que no podía agradarla. Parecíala maravilloso (y se lo decía con frecuencia a su confidenta) que un hombre que reunía tantas buenas prendas ignorase el arte de amar con aquella finura y fervor que creía ella precisamente inspirar, y extrañaba que una imaginación florida produjese una conversación tan insípida cuando se trataba de amores.

—Y no digo esto –continuaba– porque desee ser amada de mi primo, pues el amor no reformaría sus modales y se iría haciendo más y más desapacible a mis ojos.

Bien examinado ya Glanville por el marqués, lo juzgó bastante prendado de su hija para confiar en que recibiría con gusto la proposición que tenía que hacerle. Llevole una mañana a su gabinete y allí, después de haberse informado de cómo estaba su corazón, le descubrió el proyecto de casarlo con su hija, dándola por dote la propiedad de todos sus bienes.

Recibió Glanville aquella muestra de amistad con unos extremos de gozo inexpresables; protestó que no conocía cosa más amable que su prima y que la profesaba todo el amor de que su corazón era capaz.

—Contentísimo quedo –le dijo el marqués abrazándolo–; esfuérzate a ganar el corazón de mi hija y cuando me asegures de su consentimiento, te doy mi palabra de que no se dilatará vuestro matrimonio.

No dio lugar Glanville a que le repitiera una orden tan apetecible. Dejó a su tío y partió, lleno de felicidad, a buscar a su prima, para darla parte del permiso que tenía de dirigirla sus obsequios. Estaba en el jardín acompañada de sus mujeres.

—Prima mía –la dijo con la apresuración que da el contento–, concededme el gusto de pasearme con vos a solas: ¿no podré lograr la satisfacción de hablaros sin testigos? p. 58

—¿Qué misterio puede haber entre nosotros que os haga desear una particular conversación?... Favor es que ninguno de vuestro sexo puede lisonjearse haber recibido de mí y os declaro que cabalmente sois uno de aquellos a quienes más difícilmente lo concedería14.

—No os comprendo, prima, porque está recibido que una señorita se pasee con un hombre de bien, sin lastimar las severísimas reglas de la decencia, y tengo más derecho que otro a este honor por la circunstancia de vuestro pariente.

—No es extraño que nuestras opiniones sean diferentes, pues hasta ahora no nos ha sucedido pensar de un mismo modo.

—Os ruego que no creáis eso, prima y señora mía, pues, a ser verdad que nuestros modos de pensar fuesen opuestos, era menester que me aborrecieseis tanto como os admiro y adoro.

Esta confesión, dicha con viveza y acompañada de un suave apretamiento de mano, indignó tan excesivamente a Arabela, que no pudo en algunos instantes pronunciar ni una sola palabra.

—¡Qué horrorosa violación –prorrumpió diciendo– de las leyes del amor! ¡Declararlo sin haberlo tenido oculto a lo menos un año! ¡Sin temblar! ¡Sin arrodillarse delante del objeto amado! ¡Y obrar contra las reglas! ¡Y llevar la osadía hasta mirar cara a cara a la que acaba de ofenderse! ¡Y no temer los rayos de sus miradas!...

No le fue posible a Glanville dejar de reírse de la pantomima que su prima representaba. Ella dio algunos pasos atrás, lo miró con desdén, levantó sus bellos ojos al cielo y con ademán de pedirle justicia.

Pero Arabela se volvió a mirar a Glanville y, como no viese en él aquel aire confuso que aguardaba, redobló su enojo...

—Si no os expreso –le dijo– los sentimientos que vuestra insolencia me inspira es por daros un testimonio más señalado de mi desprecio: vuestra pasión me envilece por el modo con que la declaráis... No esperéis perdón, ni volváis a presentaros delante de mí.

Y pronunciadas estas palabras terribles, se fue majestuosamente. Glanville moría de risa al ver cómo su prima recibía sus homenajes; pero, recapitulando cuanto le había dicho, halló sus expresiones tan duras que se le quitó la gana de reír. Como poco instruido de las fórmulas caballerescas, ignoraba la enormidad de su delito y no pudo atribuir el menosprecio de Arabela más que al orgullo que la daban su hermosura, riqueza y nacimiento. Acusaba a su tío de haberlo comprometido y quería partir sin despedirse de nadie. Pero una carta que Lucía trajo muy misteriosamente, desvaneció su proyecto. Decía así:

Arabela al hombre más atrevido del mundo
Manifestáis tan poca deferencia a mis órdenes que juzgo necesario reiteraros la que os di al separarme de vos. Para reparar la ofensa que me habéis hecho no tenéis que tomar más partido que el de no poneros nunca delante de mí. Si tenéis por oportuno el aprisionarme en mi cuarto, permaneciendo más tiempo en casa de mi padre, añadiréis la desobediencia al crimen que habéis cometido.

p. 59

El sobre y estilo singular de esta carta tranquilizaron a Glanville. Persuadiose a que lo que había tomado por insulto era una chanza y se determinó a divertirse con ello. Representose de nuevo las expresiones de su prima y la seriedad de sus gesticulaciones, y se admiró de haber tomado las cosas tan a la letra. Preocupado con estas ideas, voló a la habitación de su prima. Hallábase esta de pechos sobre una ventana y con señales de mucha agitación. La vista de su primo la sobrecogió; huyó a su gabinete, cerró la puerta y le mandó imperiosamente que se retirase. Glanville, que continuaba persuadido a que se chanceaba, la amenazó con que descerrajaría la puerta y acabó diciendo, por bufonada, que pronto hallaría ocasión de vengarse. Arabela, que era incapaz de admitir bufonadas de esta especie, creyó que la cólera le sugería algún designio violento o que formaba el plan de robarla o que quería que estallasen sus furores con alguna empresa desesperada.

—Todo lo debo temer –decía a su criada cuando desahogaba su corazón con ella–. Todo lo debo temer de un hombre que no conoce los límites del respeto, que no tiene aquella timidez hija de un amor puro y delicado y que, despreciando mis órdenes, se atreve a presentárseme y finaliza con amenazarme.

—¿Declararé a mi padre –continuaba diciendo– la aversión que tengo a Glanville? No, porque sería irritarlo contra mí, sería exponerme a las empresas de un amante pérfido; es preciso evitar la suerte funesta que me amenaza, es preciso buscar mi seguridad en la fuga... Pero, ¿qué heroína perseguida abandonó jamás la casa paterna? Este es un caso nuevo y conozco que vacilo en mis resoluciones... No obstante, ¿hay alguna cosa más legítima que sustraerse a la tiranía de un padre bárbaro?...

Tales eran los razonamientos de esta bella visionaria cuando un acaecimiento imprevisto causó inquietudes mejor fundadas.

14 ‘ninguno de vuestro sexo puede lisonjearse de haber recibido el favor de hablar en privado conmigo’.

Chapter IX
In which a lover is severely punished for faults which the reader never would have discovered if he had not been told.

The marquis, though he had resolved to give Arabella to his nephew, was desirous he should first receive some impressions of tenderness for her before he absolutely declared his resolution; and ardently wished he might be able to overcome that reluctance which she seemed to have for marriage. But, though Glanville in a very few days became passionately in love with his charming cousin, yet she discovered so strong a dislike to him that the marquis feared it would be difficult to make her receive him for a husband. He observed she took all opportunities of avoiding his conversation and seemed always out of temper when he addressed anything to her; but was well enough pleased, when he discoursed with him, and would listen to the long conversations they had together with great attention.

The truth is, she had too much discernment not to see Mr. Glanville had a great deal of merit: his person was perfectly handsome; he possessed a great share of understanding, an easy temper and a vivacity which charmed everyone, but the insensible *Arabella.

She often wondered “that a man, who,” as she told her confidante, “was master of so many fine qualities, should have a disposition so little capable of feeling the passion of love, with the [41] delicacy and fervour she expected to inspire; or that he, whose conversation was so pleasing on every other subject, should make so poor a figure when he entertained her with matters of gallantry. However,” added she, “I should be to blame to desire to be beloved by Mr. Glanville; for I am persuaded that passion would cause no reformation in the coarseness of his manners to ladies, which makes him so disagreeable to me, and might possibly increase my aversion.”

The marquis, having studied his nephew’s looks for several days, thought he saw inclination enough in them for Arabella to make him receive the knowledge of his intention with joy. He, therefore, called him into his closet, and told him in few words that, if his heart was not pre-engaged, and his daughter capable of making him happy, he resolved to bestow her upon him, together with all his estates.

Mr. Glanville received this agreeable news with the strongest expressions of gratitude, assuring his uncle that Lady Bella, of all the women he had ever seen, was most agreeable to his taste, and that he felt for her all the tenderness and affection his soul was capable of.p. 61

“I am glad of it, my dear nephew,” said the marquis, embracing him. “I will allow you,” added he smiling, “but a few weeks to court her. Gain her heart as soon as you can, and when you bring me her consent, your marriage shall be solemnised* immediately.”

Mr. Glanville needed not a repetition of so agreeable a command. He left his uncle’s closet, [42] with his heart filled with the expectation of his approaching happiness; and, understanding Arabella was in the garden, he went to her with a resolution to acquaint her with the permission her father had given him to make his addresses to her.

He found his fair cousin, as usual, accompanied with her women; and, seeing that, notwithstanding his approach, they still continued to walk with her, and impatient of the restraint they laid him under:

“I beseech you, cousin,” said he, “let me have the pleasure of walking with you alone. What necessity is there for always having so many witnesses of our conversation? You may retire,” said he, speaking to Lucy and the other woman. “I have something to say to your lady in private.”

“Stay, I command you,” said Arabella blushing at an insolence so uncommon, “and take orders from no one but myself. I pray you, sir,” pursued she frowning, “what intercourse of secrets is there between you and me that you expect I should favour you with a private conversation? An advantage which none of your sex ever boasted to have gained from me, and which, haply, you should be the last upon whom I should bestow it.”

“You have the strangest notions,” answered Glanville, smiling at the pretty anger she discovered. “Certainly you may hold a private conversation with any gentleman, without giving offence to decorum; and I may plead a right to this happiness, above any other, since I have the honour to be your relation.”*

[43] “It is not at all surprising,” resumed Arabella gravely, “that you and I should differ in opinion upon this occasion. I don’t remember that ever we agreed in anything; and, I am apt to believe, we never shall.”

“Ah! Don’t say so, Lady Bella,” interrupted he. “What a prospect of misery you lay before me! For if we are always to be opposite to each other, it is necessary you must hate me as much as I admire and love you.”

These words, which he accompanied with a gentle pressure of her hand, threw the astonished Arabella into such an excess of anger and shame that, for a few moments, she was unable to utter a word.

What a horrid violation this, of all the laws of gallantry and respect, which decree a lover to suffer whole years in silence before he declares his flame to the divine object that causes it; and then with awful tremblings and submissive prostrations at the feet of the offended fair!p. 62

Arabella could hardly believe her senses when she heard a declaration, not only made without the usual forms, but also, that the presumptuous criminal waited for an answer, without seeming to have any apprehension of the punishment to which he was to be doomed; and that, instead of deprecating her wrath, he looked with a smiling wonder upon her eyes, as if he did not fear their lightning would strike him dead.

Indeed, it was scarce possible for him to help smiling, and wondering too, at the extraordinary action* of Arabella; for, as soon as he had pronounced [44] those fatal words, she started back two or three steps; cast a look at him full of the highest indignation; and, lifting up her fine eyes to heaven, seemed, in the language of romance, to accuse the gods for subjecting her to so cruel an indignity.

The tumult of her thoughts being a little settled, she turned again towards Glanville, whose countenance expressing nothing of that confusion and anxiety common to an adorer in so critical a circumstance, her rage returned with greater violence than ever.

“If I do not express all the resentment your insolence has filled me with,” said she to him, affecting more scorn than anger, “it is because I hold you too mean for my resentment; but never hope for my pardon for your presumptuous confession of a passion I could almost despise myself for inspiring. If it be true that you love me, go and find your punishment in that absence to which I doom you; and never hope I will suffer a person in my presence, who has affronted me in the manner you have done.”

Saying this, she walked away, making a sign to him not to follow her.

Mr. Glanville, who was at first disposed to laugh at the strange manner in which she received his expressions of esteem for her, found something so extremely haughty and contemptuous in the speech she had made that he was almost mad with vexation.

As he had no notion of his cousin’s heroic sentiments, and had never read romances, he was quite ignorant of the nature of his offence; and, supposing the scorn she had expressed for [45] him was founded upon the difference of their rank and fortune, his pride was so sensibly mortified at that thought, and at her so insolently forbidding him her presence that he was once inclined to show his resentment of such ungenteel usage, by quitting the castle without taking leave even of the marquis, who, he thought, could not be ignorant of the reception he was likely to meet with from his daughter; and ought to have guarded him against it if he really meant him so well as he seemed to do.

As he was extremely violent and hasty in his resolutions, and nicely sensible of the least affront, he was not in a condition to reason justly upon the marquis’s conduct in this affair; and while he was fluctuating with a thousand different resolutions, Lucy came to him with a billet from her lady, which she delivered without staying till he opened it, and was superscribed in this manner:

Arabella, to the most presumptuous man in the world:
You seem to acknowledge so little respect and deference for the commands of a lady that I am afraid it will be but too necessary to reiterate that, which, at parting, I laid upon you. Know then that I absolutely insist upon your repairing, in the only manner you are able, the affront you have put upon me, which is, by never appearing before me again. If you think proper to confine me to my chamber, by continuing here any longer, you will [46] add disobedience to the crime by which you have already mortally offended.

The superscription of this letter, and the uncommon style of it, persuaded Mr. Glanville that what he had been foolish enough to resent* as an affront, was designed as a jest, and meant to divert him as well as herself. He examined her behaviour again, and wondered at his stupidity in not discovering it before. His resentment vanishing immediately, he returned to the house; and went, without ceremony, to Arabella’s apartment, which he entered before she perceived him, being in a profound musing at one of the windows. The noise he made, in approaching her, obliged her at last to look up, when, starting, as if she had seen a basilisk,* she flew to her closet; and shutting the door with great violence, commanded him to leave her chamber immediately.p. 63

Mr. Glanville, still supposing her in jest, entreated her to open the door; but, finding she continued obstinate: “Well,” said he, going away, “I shall be revenged on you some time hence, and make you repent the tricks you play me now.”

Arabella, not being able to imagine anything, by these words he spoke in raillery, but that he really, in the spite and anguish of his heart, threatened her with executing some terrible enterprise; she did not doubt, but he either intended to carry her away; or, thinking her aversion to him proceeded from his having a rival happy enough to be esteemed by her, those [47] mysterious words he had uttered related to his design of killing him; so that as she knew he could discover no rival to wreak his revenge upon, she feared that, at once to satisfy that passion as well as his love, he would make himself master of her liberty. “For, in fine,” said she to Lucy, to whom she communicated all her thoughts, “have I not everything to apprehend from a man who knows so little how to treat my sex with the respect which is our due, and who, after having, contrary to the timorous* nature of that passion, insulted me with a free declaration of love, treated my commands with the utmost contempt by appearing before me again, and even threatens me with the revenge he is meditating at this moment?”

Had Mr. Glanville been present, and heard the terrible misfortunes which she presaged from the few words he had jestingly spoke, he would certainly have made her quite furious, by the diversion her mistake would have afforded him. But the more she reflected on his words, the more she was persuaded of the terrible purpose of them.

It was in vain to acquaint her father with the reasons she had for disliking his choice. His resolution was fixed, and if she did not voluntarily conform to it, she exposed herself to the attempts of a violent and unjust lover, who would either prevail upon the marquis to lay a force upon her inclinations, or make himself master of her person, and never cease persecuting her till he had obliged her to give him her hand.

[48] Having reasoned herself into a perfect conviction that all these things must necessarily happen, she thought it both just and reasonable to provide for her own security by a speedy flight. The want of a precedent, indeed, for an action of this nature, held her a few moments in suspense; for she did not remember to have read of any heroine that voluntarily left her father’s house, however persecuted she might be. But she considered that there was not any of the ladies in romances, in the same circumstances with herself, who was without a favoured lover, for whose sake it might have been believed she had made an elopement, which would have been highly prejudicial to her glory; and, as there was no foundation for any suspicion of that kind in her case, she thought there was nothing to hinder her from withdrawing from a tyrannical exertion of parental authority, and the secret machinations of a lover, whose aim was to take away her liberty, either by obliging her to marry him, or by making her a prisoner.

iinsensible] obs. Irrational.

iisolemnised] The verbal suffix -ize (and its variant forms) has been regularised to -ise.

iiirelation] A relative.

ivaction] notion 1752 (1st).

vresent] obs. To receive as something.

vibasilisk] A legendary reptile, hatched by a serpent from a cock's egg. Allegedly, its breath and look were fatal.

viitimorous] Fearful.