



Capítulo III
En el que no se verán más que equivocaciones

Después de haber corrido algún tiempo el barón, no vio rastro alguno de sangre, sino a unos segadores que estaban en conversación; llegose a ellos y supo que dos caballeros habían empezado a reñir; pero que tuvieron la fortuna de llegar bastante a tiempo para impedir que no se mataran.

Mucho celebró la noticia el barón; recompensolos generosamente y corrió a decir a su sobrina que su hijo no estaba herido.

—No puede ser eso –replicó Arabela– porque veo desde aquí a muchos de sus enemigos; la regla no permite perdonar a ninguno.

—Reponte, sobrina mía, porque me parece que tienes el ánimo perturbado: los que tomas por enemigos son unos honrados segadores a quienes debemos mucho; pero dime el motivo de esta quimera.

—Nadie como yo lo sabe, pues soy la causa. Lo que puedo deciros es que han hecho a mi primo una malísima obra en no dejarlo pelear: muerto su enemigo, todo estaba acabado; en vez de que ahora es de toda necesidad que lo busque, aunque estuviese en lo más remoto del mundo.

Maravillado el barón de ver en su sobrina un alma sanguinaria, la expresó cuanto sentía ver olvidada en ella la dulzura característica de su sexo, hasta el grado de provocar a unos jóvenes a que viniesen por ella a las manos.

—Te ruego –añadió– que me ahorres en lo sucesivo inquietudes sobre la vida de mi hijo: si tú no haces caso de ella, conoce, a lo menos, que yo hago muchísimo.

Ofendiose Arabela del principio del discurso de tu tío, pero luego creyó que solo se hablaba de sus rigores. Contestó, con amenidad, que la vida de su primo no la era indiferente, que no lo aborrecía y que aun sentiría su pérdida si tuviese la desgracia de ser vencido o muerto.

—Pues cómo sobrina mía, no más que...

—Suplícoos que no aumentéis mi confusión. Si hablé demasiado, agradeced a mi corazón el esfuerzo que hizo y no pidáis interpretaciones.

—Te explicas, en mi dictamen, harto claramente: confieso que si te hubiera juzgado capaz de tales sentimientos no te hubiera proporcionado la ocasión de descubrirlos. p. 128

—En verdad –replicó Arabela en tono de picada– que creí que fueseis la única persona del mundo de quien no pudiera yo prometerme tal reprehensión, pero pues habéis tenido a bien mostrarme mis faltas, os ofrezco ser en lo venidero más circunspecta, a pesar de que no creo haber traspasado los límites de la decencia y pudiera citaros ejemplos célebres de situaciones parecidas a la mía, si me quisiera cansar en justificarme.

Pesaroso el barón de haber humillado a su sobrina, la dijo, apretándola la mano, que en ella consistía destruir todas las sospechas. Al oír esto nuestra heroína, miró a su tío con altivez y se mostró resentidísima.

Propúsola el tío volver a la quinta y procuró determinarla con la esperanza de encontrar allí a su hijo.

—No lo encontraremos ciertamente –dijo Arabela volviéndose a mirar al caballero Jorge.

—Espero, señora –dijo este–, que el castigo, debido al temerario que persigue, quedará reservado a una persona, acaso menos afortunada, pero con igual interés en vuestra conservación.

Arabela comprendió muy bien a Jorge; no le respondió nada y cedió a las reiteradas instancias que la hizo su tío de volver a casa.

Sentido Jorge de no haber hallado ocasión de hablarla a solas, la dijo, apretándola la mano para que desmontara, que iba a buscar a su perseguidor para reñir con él y que pronto tendría noticias, o de su muerte o de su triunfo. Dicha esta baladronada, hizo una reverencia profunda y se despidió de ella. El barón observó a su sobrina, mientras Jorge la hablaba; vio que se la encendió el color y preguntó por qué.

—Pues que mi rostro me ha vendido, no puedo negar que el caballero me ha faltado dos veces hoy al respeto que me debe.

El barón graduó de indigno el procedimiento, se enardeció y dijo, en voz alta, que no se acostaría sin explicarse con él. Arabela, preocupada de falsas ideas, graduó de celos el enardecimiento de su tío y respondió secamente que mejor convendría a su edad un poco más de moderación. Carlota llegó a la sazón y su padre dejó la conversación para preguntar por su hijo. Todos ignoraban su paradero y la inquietud se iba haciendo general cuando lo vieron llegar a la quinta.

Chapter V
Being a chapter of mistakes.

Sir Charles, who, by this time, had got to the place she directed him to, but saw no appearance of fighting, and only a few haymakers in discourse together, enquired if there had been any quarrel between two gentlemen in that place.

One of them, at this question, advancing, told Sir Charles that two gentlemen had quarrelled there, and were fighting with swords, but that they had parted them; and that one of them, having a horse tied to a tree, mounted him and rode away. That the other, they believed, was not far off; and that there had been no blood shed, they having come time enough to prevent it.

Sir Charles was extremely satisfied with this account; and giving the haymakers some money for the good office they did in parting the two combatants, rode up to meet Lady Bella, and informed her that his son was safe.

“I cannot imagine he is safe,” replied she, “when I see some of his enemies” (pointing to the haymakers) “still alive. It is not customary, in those cases, to suffer any to escape. And, questionless, [245] my cousin is either dead, or a prisoner, since all his adversaries are not vanquished.”

“Why, you dream, madam,” replied Sir Charles. “Those fellows yonder are haymakers. What should make them enemies to my son? They were lucky enough to come in time to prevent him and another gentleman from doing each other a mischief. I cannot imagine for what reason my son quarrelled with that person they speak of. Perhaps you can inform me.”

“Certainly, sir,” said Arabella, “I can inform you, since I was the cause of their quarrel. The story is too long to tell you now; and, besides, it is so connected with the other accidents of my life that it is necessary you should be acquainted with my whole history, in order to comprehend it. But if those persons are what you say, and did really part my cousin and his antagonist, truly I believe they have done him a very ill office. For, I am persuaded, my cousin will never be at rest till, by his rival’s death, he has freed himself from one capable of the most daring enterprises to get me into his power. And since I cannot be in security while he lives, and persists in the resolution he has taken to persecute me, it had been better if he had suffered all the effects of my cousin’s resentment at that time than to give him the trouble to hunt him through the world, in order to sacrifice him to the interest of his love and vengeance.”

Sir Charles, no less astonished than alarmed at this discovery of his niece’s sanguinary sentiments, told her he was sorry to see a lady so far forget the gentleness of her sex, as to encourage [246] and incite men to such extremities upon her account. “And for the future,” added he, “I must entreat you, niece, to spare me the affliction of seeing my son exposed to these dangerous quarrels; for, though his life is so little regarded by you, yet it is of the utmost consequence to me.”

Arabella, who found matter sufficient in the beginning of this speech to be offended with her uncle, yet, mistaking the latter part of it for a pathetic complaint of her cruelty, replied very gravely that her cousin’s safety was not so indifferent to her as he imagined, and that she did not hate him so much but that his death would affect her very sensibly.

Arabella, in speaking these words, blushed with shame, as thinking they were rather too tender; and Sir Charles, who coloured likewise, from a very different motive, was opening his mouth to tell her that he did not think his son was much obliged to her for not hating him, when Arabella, supposing he designed to press her to a further explanation of the favourable sentiments she felt for Mr. Glanville, stopped him with precipitation:p. 164

“Press me no more,” said she, “upon this subject; and, as I have already spoken too much, haply, before so many witnesses, seek not to enhance my confusion, by prolonging a discourse that at present must needs be disagreeable to me.”

“I shall readily agree with you, madam,” replied Sir Charles, “that you have spoken too much. And if I had thought you capable of speaking in the manner you have done, I [247] would have been more cautious in giving you an occasion for it.”

“I should imagine, sir,” said Arabella, blushing with anger, as she before did with shame, “that you would be the last person in the world who could think I had spoken too much upon this occasion; and since you are pleased to tell me so, I think it fit to let you know that I have not, in my opinion, transgressed the laws of decency and decorum, in what I have said in my cousin’s favour. And I can produce many examples of greater freedom of speech, in princesses and ladies of the highest quality. However, I shall learn such a lesson of moderation in this respect from your reproof that I promise you neither yourself or Mr. Glanville shall have any cause, for the future, to complain of my want of discretion.”

Sir Charles, who was very polite and good-natured, was half angry with himself, for having obliged his niece to such a submission, as he thought it; and, apologising for the rudeness of his reprehension, assured her that he was perfectly convinced of her discretion in all things; and did not doubt but her conduct would be always agreeable to him.

Arabella, who, from what her uncle had said, began to entertain suspicions that would never have entered any imagination but hers, looked earnestly upon him for half a moment, as if she wished to penetrate into the most secret recesses of his heart. But, fancying she saw something in his looks that confirmed her apprehensions, she removed her eyes from his face, and fastening them on the ground, remained [248] for some moments in confusion. Sir Charles, whom her apparent disturbance made very uneasy, proposed returning to the castle, telling Lady Bella he expected to find his son already there.

“It is more than probable,” said she, turning to Sir George, “that my cousin is gone in pursuit of my ravisher; and the interruption that has been given to his designed vengeance, making him more furious than before, it is not likely he will return till he has punished his insolence by that death he so justly merits.”

“Mr. Glanville is already so happy in your opinion,” said Sir George, with a very profound sigh, “that there is no need of his rendering you this small service to increase your esteem. But if my prayers are heard, the punishment of your ravisher will be reserved for a person less fortunate, indeed, than Mr. Glanville, though not less devoted to your interest, and concerned in your preservation.”

Sir George counterfeiting a look of extreme confusion and fear, as he ended these words.

Arabella, who perfectly comprehended the meaning they were designed to convey, thought herself obliged to take no notice of them. And, therefore, without making any reply to the young baronet, who ventured slowly to lift his eyes to her face, in order to discover if there were any signs of anger in it, she told Sir Charles she inclined to go home. And Sir George, with the rest of the company, attended them to the castle, where, as soon as they arrived, they took their leave.p. 165

[249] Sir George, notwithstanding Arabella’s care to deprive him of an opportunity of speaking to her, told her, in a whisper, having eagerly alighted to help her off her horse:

“I am going, madam, to find out that insolent man, who has dared to offer violence to the fairest person in the world. And if I am so happy as to meet with him, he shall either take my life, or I will put him into a condition never to commit any more offences of that nature.”

Saying this, he made a low bow; and, being desirous to prevent her answer, remounted his horse, and went away with the rest of the company.

Arabella, who, upon this occasion, was to be all confusion, mixed with some little resentment, discovered so much emotion in her looks, while Sir George was whispering to her that her uncle, as he was handing her into the house, asked her if she was offended at anything Sir George had said to her.

Arabella, construing this question as she had done some other things her uncle had said to her, replied, in a reserved manner:

“Since my looks, contrary to my intention, have betrayed my thoughts to you, I will not scruple to confess that I have some cause to be offended with Sir George, and that, in two instances today, he has seemed to forget the respect he owes me.”

Sir Charles was fired at this account:

“Is it possible,” said he, “that Sir George has had the assurance to say anything to offend you, and that before my face too? This affront is not to be borne.”

[250] “I am sorry,” replied Arabella, eying him heedfully, “to see you so much concerned at it.”

“Don’t be uneasy,” interrupted Sir Charles, “there will be no bad consequences happen from it; but he shall hear of it,” added he, raising his voice with passion. “I’ll force him this night to explain himself.”

“You must pardon me, sir,” said Arabella, more and more confirmed in her notions, “if I tell you that I am extremely offended at your uncommon zeal upon this occasion. And also I must assure you that a little more calmness would be less liable to suspicion.”

Miss Glanville coming to meet them, Sir Charles, who did not take much notice of what Arabella said, eagerly enquired for his son; and, hearing he was not come home, was apprehensive of his meeting again with the person he had quarrelled with. But his fears did not last long; for Mr. Glanville came in, having purposely avoided the company to hide the uneasiness Lady Bella’s tormenting folly had given him.